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9 Party Planners You Need To Have On Speed Dial

By Oriella Onni
March 1, 2018

No more stressing, momma.

Alright, we all know how much work goes into party planning. And let’s face it, mums always wanna get it perfect for their little ones. But more often than not, there just isn’t the time to run all the errands, scour the net for good caterers or everything else that comes with party planning.

And sometimes, all you want on that special day is to spend it with your little one – all in –  instead of being the planner, hostess, caterer, all rolled into one.

Check out the spectacular insta-feeds of these party whizzes and be sure to have them on your speed dial today!

Dreams & Doodle

Party Mojo

Sprinkie Parties

Bubblegum and rose macarons + customised baby themed fondant cupcakes!

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Oriella Onni, Mummyfique’s peppy editorial assistant is navigating her way through life one glorious destination at a time. She loves exploring, music, crafts and cooking.