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Road Test: Face Lifting Products

By Seow Kai Lun
December 22, 2016

Let’s be honest, we all want to look our best at all times, especially in photos, where our images are preserved forever, bad angles and all if we’re not careful.

Of all parts of the body, your face is most telling of your age and whether you have lost or gained weight. And we all know which side of losing and gaining we would rather be on.

Which is why we’ve sourced two popular face lifting products on the market to see if they can really help us end up with tighter and sharper faces.

ReFa CARAT and Face-Up Cream

The roller was bigger than we thought it would be and although it did come with instructions, we logged online to watch a video on how to use the roller and was pleasantly surprised to find that not only can it be used for the face, but that it can be applied to firm up the rest of the body as well.

Prior to this test, we had heard a lot about the ReFa CARAT before we even had tried it, with some of our friends telling us that even when picking up the display set at a mall and using it for 10min on one side, there was a visible difference between both sides of the face in the mirror.

The sensation when used at first was unusual, but we quickly got used to it contouring along the edges of the face. It was also interesting to see how though the roller is fixed in size and shape, it can be manoeuvred to go along anybody’s face.

Though both items can be used separately, it is recommended that you use both the device and face cream together for maximum face lifting effectiveness. The cream is easily absorbed into the face and makes it smoother for the roller to go over than without. The face did feel tighter and look slightly slimmer after a week’s use, but what remains to be seen is if the effect can be maintained without daily use.

S$299, available online and at selected stockists. 


Estee Lauder Resilience Lift Firming/Sculpting Oil-in-Crème infusion

Part of Estee Lauder’s range of Resilience Lift products, it promises to create a lifted, firmer look.

There’s a light fragrance that wafts out when you unscrew the bottle and it unveils a lightly tinted pink cream. Its texture is akin to butter, more firm than liquid, which is what we like as it’s easier to control the amount that you take.

The cream, though heavy to the touch, disappears into the skin upon application, and instantly the skin feels more supple than before. Though a week’s application has yet to show any particular visible lifting effects, the skin does feel more hydrated, especially when applied at night. We think that this is perfect if you have dry skin or are travelling to a drier climate.

S$56, available at Estee Lauder outlets.

Travelling to somewhere cold and dry? Click here to see a selection of winter beauty products to bring with you.