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Mum Crush Wednesday: Sonia Sui

By Samantha Jong
December 21, 2016

Our mum crush of the week has it all — a loving, supportive husband, cute-as-a-button son and she’s a popular actress and model to boot. She’s none other than Sonia Sui!

今日@marieclairetw 封面拍攝??

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The leggy model and actress has fronted numerous big name campaigns, among them Montblanc, Philips, Reebok and Shiseido.

Montblanc 萬寶龍 110週年

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今天長這樣。 #philips

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SHISEIDO press conference ????#shiseido #shiseido國際櫃

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And as to be expected, Sonia has also graced the cover of many publications, modelling a variety of styles, from street and grungy to high fashion. She’s been spotted in magazines such as Style and Singapore’s Nuyou.

It's out! Style! November 2014???

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It's out! Nuyou September 2014! #nuyousingapore

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Our favourite of the lot has to be the ELLE Taiwan one she did with Max, who in our opinion might have stolen all the thunder from his mum.

ELLE四月號 和@madmaxhsieh #elletaiwan

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This multi-talented beauty is often in Singapore as well.

She was at last year’s Singapore International Film Festival looking resplendent in a simple Stella McCartney piece and Jimmy Choos.

And she came down to catch Sharon Au in The LKY Musical.

Perhaps her love for Singapore is because this is where she had her first date with hubby Tony Chia, an American businessman.The date must have went really well by all accounts as they got hitched not too long after their first date.

Sonia has also said that the couple like Singapore as its lack of paparazzi makes the little island an ideal place for people with celebrity status.

遇到了一個… 我想讓他快樂的人。 請給我們一點空間,謝謝?

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Sonia is clearly in love with her husband, frequently posting photos of the two together during their dating days. She also stood up to the media who labelled Tony as the “ugly boyfriend”, saying that he has a “kind and pure heart”.


今天ㄧ早天還沒亮就出發前往機場去新加坡,到了櫃台報到時Tony哥發現他忘記帶自己的護照,想改下班飛機又失敗的狀況下我們一家三口只好回家。 到家後,不知是因為早起還是坐車坐太久而頭昏腦脹的我們,決定去吃頓好吃的午餐壓壓驚,接著再散步去喝了杯咖啡,喝完咖啡繼續往家的方向散步。路上看到一間彩卷行就進去買刮刮樂玩,然後Tony哥花200中了1000。過程中發生老板娘問我:「妳的寶貝帥哥呢?怎麼沒來?」Tony回答:「我在這裡啊!」的跟兒子爭寵插曲。 接著回到家突然來了個給我的快遞,是一束玫瑰花,原來Tony覺得他忘記護照很白痴很抱歉就趁我去洗手間上網買花。最後,這一天結束在我們從MOD選的一部很特別的電影「末日列車」,然後現在我們要趕快睡覺好去趕明早班機。 想寫這個流水帳是想讓自己記住這平凡美好的一天。這樣的美好要感謝一開始我們沒有選擇責怪對方,並一起幽默的看待發生的災難然後保持樂觀想辦法。 希望我們能一直ㄧ直這樣?

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The affinity in Singapore doesn’t just stop at the couple’s courtship days. When their first son, Max was due in September 2015, Sonia chose to come to Singapore to give birth.

Ever since then, little Max has dominated Sonia’s Instagram feed, appearing in most photos and we’re envious of how good Sonia looks even when she’s bare-faced.

A belated bday celebration with Grandpa and the Maxie Boy.

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和 @madmaxhsieh 抓緊下雨前的放風

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My sunshine @madmaxhsieh

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Sonia is now expecting her second child, a girl, and she is looking better than ever, especially in this gorgeous red number.

和女兒相見歡時刻倒數。 有鑑於近期不會再生了,趁前天工作空檔拍了這張留念。

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Our heartiest congratulations to the family, and we’re sure given past history, this hot mama will be in Singapore yet again when the newest addition to the family arrives.


For last week’s mum crush, click here