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5 Reasons Why Your Child Should Practise Martial Arts

By Mummyfique Contributor
January 9, 2018

Most, if not all mothers have thought about sending their children for extra classes at some point. From music lessons to sports, the hope is for the kids to pick up something meaningful and lifelong that will yield benefits and ensure a holistic development for the future. By Zoro Moreira

Martial Arts is one great option for the kiddos – besides improving students’ physical conditioning, at the core of each combat sport are meaningful lessons that students can apply in every facet of life, such as self-control, confidence, discipline, and self-defence.

Here are five reasons why children should learn martial arts:



With information readily-accessible in this digital age, we have seen countless news reports on bullying in schools, here in Singapore. Children should be equipped with the skills and confidence when faced with such situations.

The golden rule is to walk away to avoid escalating confrontations, and for the children to tell their aggressors to stop with confidence in their voices. However, when push comes to shove, their martial arts training would help them defend themselves and neutralise the threat posed by the aggressors. The children are taught how to defend themselves in different situations and to use self-defence the right way.


Discipline and Self-Control

Discipline and self-control, are the cornerstones upon which martial arts are built. Through martial arts, children learn patience, focus, restraint and the many qualities that come with discipline – learning how to control their energy, focus on the task at hand, protecting their bodies through proper discipline and movement as well as practicing self-restraint from inflicting unnecessary damage, or from falling prey to negative influences in life.

Develop Problem-Solving Skills

In martial arts like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, where the mental aspect can be likened to a game of chess, practitioners have to think of ways to out-manoeuvre the opponent and to consistently stay a step ahead in order to win. Such mental training, through practical lessons, is key to developing an aptitude for problem-solving in the future. Children would be better-equipped with finding ways to overcome their “opponent” and better prepare them for life’s challenges.

Develop Social Skills

In martial arts classes, children are encouraged to communicate with one another, throughout all levels because they’re required to learn how to work with others and form partnerships, through practice pairing. This practice opens the lines for communication and encourages children to speak clearly to get their message across, developing familiarity and confidence in speaking to a myriad of different partners.


Given the competitive nature of combat sports, there is an emphasis on not giving up. Children are taught to persevere and do their best, even in the most difficult of circumstances. Perseverance can be shown in many ways, such as repetitions of techniques to gain the skills needed for the next belt up, sticking with class even when it’s hard, or staying in a martial arts programme long enough to attain a black belt.

Having the discipline to attend all training and eventually, competition with determination can later translate to all-around perseverance. This mindset moulds children in becoming much stronger mentally and less likely to quit when the going gets tough. Martial Arts builds character which in turn empowers children to do things that they set their minds to.


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FaMA (Fitness and Martial Arts) – a team of friendly professional instructors who are passionate about using Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Muay Thai and Fitness to improve strength, coordination and flexibility for the whole family.