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Mummyfique Sample July 2021

Pregnancy By The Month: Month 9

By Seow Kai Lun
February 24, 2017

Week 37

Baby updates

Your baby is the length of Swiss Chard.

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Mummyfique Sample July 2021

You baby is full term now. His lungs should be fully mature and even if he were to be born now, he’ll be able to do just fine.

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Braxton Hicks contractions might be longer and more frequent. You may also notice an increase in vaginal discharge. Sleeping during this time might be uncomfortable too.

Week 38

Baby updates

Your baby is the size of a jackfruit.

She has a firm and all her organs are all ready for life outside the womb.

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Hold on tight, baby will be out soon, and that will spell the end of the swelling you are experiencing in your feet or ankles. Be on the look out for persistent headaches and changes in vision you experience as they may be symptoms or preeclampsia.

Week 39

Baby updates

Your baby is the size of a pumpkin.

She may be ready to meet the world, but she’ll continue to build a layer of fat that will help control her body temperature. She is also shedding off layers of her outer skin as she forms new skin underneath.

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Your weekly visits to the doctor will now consist of abdominal examinations to check your baby’s growth and position, as well as when your cervix is showing signs that you are ready to delivery. Do remember to let your doctor know if baby’s activity shows signs of slowing down or decreasing, as she should remain active all the way to delivery.

Week 40

Baby updates

As your baby is still getting ready to be delivered, his skull bones are not yet fused. Don’t be too surprised if his head looks a bit cone-shaped after birth; it’s only temporary so don’t be too worried either.

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If you are still pregnant, you may be frustrated or wondering what’s wrong. Don’t fret there’s still a few more weeks before it will be worrisome.

However, it is likely that your doctor will induce labour if you go too far past your due date. You will likely be advised to have a c-section the longer your pregnancy is prolonged, but don’t worry, it won’t affect your healthy baby.


The above information is courtesy of NUH Women’s Centre. For more information on your growing baby, click here. Do note that every baby develops differently and this is a general guide to your baby’s growth. If you have any concerns, please speak more to your doctor.