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Pregnancy Concerns: What to do when you have PUPPP?

By Seow Kai Lun
March 1, 2017

Pregnancy itself can be hard enough with your body going through many changes. Thus any signs of itchiness or redness, commonly starting from the abdomen area may be distressing.

This condition, known as pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP), affects up to one per cent of pregnant women. The rashes may also spread to your thighs, buttocks, and arms, and cause itchiness.

How it is treated?

Depending on the severity of the condition, your doctor may prescribe topical steroids, topical anti-itch agents and moisturisers, as well as oral anti-histamines to help combat the itchiness.

Resist the temptation to scratch as it may lead to infection and inflammation, which will worsen your skin’s condition. Avoid hot baths and showers as they can dry out your skin and worsen the itchiness. Use mild and unscented soap and moisturisers to reduce the likelihood of irritating your skin.

You should also wear loose clothing and avoid the heat when you can.

The good news is that PUPPP usually disappears within days after delivery.

Click here to read about a mum’s experience with PUPPP that lasted well after she delivered, and how she managed to cope.