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Online Stores to Get Gifts with a Twist for the Family

By Seow Kai Lun
December 1, 2016

December marks the start of the countdown to Christmas. As mummies, much of the burden of planning for the festive season falls on us. This includes everything from arranging for family gatherings and catering for them, to making sure that gifts for all loved ones have been bought, wrapped and labelled accurately.

We understand that to busy mums, convenient and time-saving solutions are of the utmost importance. Which is why we’ve come up with this list of online stores that allow you to get all your Christmas gifts shopping done in one fell swoop. Offering a unique range of items for every gender and age group — you’ll need to spend time on only one of these sites to complete your gifting list.

Uncommon Goods

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Everyone likes to have something that is unique and thoughtful, better yet if it is environmentally-friendly, socially-responsible and ethically made. All items found on the Uncommon Goods site are exclusive to the site and made by independent makers. They have been sourced from around the globe and meet the strict criteria the founders have set for their merchandise, including responsible business practices.

What we love: The artisanal quality and uniqueness of items available such as the soapstone ice cream scoop with an ashwood handle that allows you to dig through a tub of ice cream with ease. You can also read more about the artists who made the item, and get a better understanding of the thought process they went through to make the item.

Gifts Less Ordinary

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It really doesn’t get more special than when a gift has been personalised just for you. And at Gifts Less Ordinary, you can put a name to just about anything. From embroidered hooded towels and personalised books for kids, to make-up bags, wine bottle stoppers, cheeseboards and watches, there’s something for everyone here.

What we love: The ability to add a personalised touch and the luxurious quality every items has. While browsing through the site, we stumbled upon many new ideas that we are sure those on our gift list would love for their uniqueness, like the Best Daddy in the world vintage dessert spoon and the same personalised robe (pictured) that Prince George wore to meet President Obama. It’s a place to get that special something for someone who seems to already have everything.



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The funky and colourful prints you find on the clothing in matter aren’t there just because they look great, they’re inspired by the cultural motifs that are found in traditional textiles around the world. All items are also made using artisanal methods that have been passed down for generations. There are designs for men, women and little ones so everyone in the family can have one.

What we love: There’s heritage behind the designs and the methods used to create the prints, and they’re contributing towards the longevity of these crafts in a world that is losing touch with its traditions. The pants that they are most known for are also designed to last as no metal components — think zippers and buckles — are used and they are really comfortable.


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If you are scratching your head over what to give, head to Merrymaker’s wide selection of physical gifts as well as unique experiences that you can give to loved ones. Once you’ve picked what you want to get, you can also opt to have it gift wrapped and delivered right to the doorstep of the recipient.

What we love: The site is clean and easy to navigate, with many different types of gifts neatly placed in various categories. With the click of a few buttons, you can get a curated selection of gifts that fit the criteria you need it to fall into and the budget you have. We also like the idea of being able to gift experiences as well. And if you have no idea what to get, Merry Maker has handy suggestions that would fit nearly any situation you need a gift for.


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Gifts with a social conscious are what you’ll find on this online marketplace. All the wares on sale have been handmade by those from rural communities around the world, and matcha5 acts as a platform for them to sell their handmade items while picking up business and entrepreneurial skills.

What we love: You can choose a cause you are passionate about such as human trafficking or post disaster effects, and buy items to help the shop owners support the cause. And its good to know that the site doesn’t just take items to sell, they are also invested in helping these artisans build a long-term sustainable business.