After a long drawn In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) process, Ase Wang, model and actress is now a proud mum to her little one, Kaya. Ase decided to freeze her eggs after being told by the doctor that egg reserve was low. She wanted to keep her options open for when she was ready to embrace motherhood. Ase documented her egg freezing as well as IVF journey on social media and has been an inspiration to all mums. In this edition of Mums We Love, Ase shares with us her heartfelt journey from egg freezing to IVF and thereafter, motherhood.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, family and career background.
My name is Ase Wang and I’m an actress from Singapore. I’ve been working between Singapore and Thailand. I’m mum to baby Kaya. Aside from that, I’m an Egg Freezing activist in Singapore.
How did you get into modelling?
I got into modelling when I was about 17 years old and was scouted by celebrity photographer Russel Wong. Russel saw me working a summer job at a bar. He asked me what I was doing there and if I wanted to start modelling. I pretty much owe him my whole career because he changed everything for me.
What do you love the most about your career?
The ability to have a voice now behind the work that I do especially with social media. It allows us to be able to voice our own opinions about things that we truly care about. Furthermore, I get to meet the most fantastic people and learn a lot from living in different countries, amidst different scenarios.
Why did you decide to freeze your eggs?
I decided to freeze my eggs because I was single at the time. I went for a check up and was told that my egg reserve was extremely low. From there, I decided to do three rounds of Egg Freezing in Bangkok, Thailand, as this was not yet available in Singapore.

How was your whole IVF journey like?
My whole IVF journey was hard at times but I had to remind myself to keep my eye on the prize which was to have a healthy baby. I am fortunate to have a very understanding and team player of a husband to guide me through the whole journey. A small journey to take for such a wonderful end goal.
Did you have to make changes to your lifestyle, diet and work schedule?
I had to make changes to my lifestyle such as not drinking as much wine as I would have liked as well as to have a healthier diet. Additionally, I had to cut out any bad energy that would possibly make me stress. You really have to take care of your body during this process.
The minute you got pregnant, how did you feel?
I could hardly believe it as I really did not think that I would get pregnant on the first round of IVF! I’m very lucky and I remind myself that every day.
How did you prepare for your birth journey?
There were many things to prepare for my birth journey. I basically spent nine months eating well, exercising, being in a healthy state of mind and surrounding myself with good people and good energy. Unfortunately, I ended up getting gestational diabetes when I was pregnant so my diet was quite strict. During my whole pregnancy I only gained about 9 to 10 kg and ate very healthily.

How has your character, attitude and approach to life changed after becoming a mum?
After becoming a mum, having a common understanding and a lot more compassion towards certain things came naturally. It was a very natural progression, not a forced one. I definitely go to bed a lot earlier these days. However, to be honest, I do believe in still keeping a sense of self after having a baby. Change a bit but don’t change too much or you lose yourself.
Most difficult time in your motherhood journey thus far?
I think the most difficult part about motherhood so far are the small hiccups along the way. Like every mum, there are good days and there are bad days. Though, I will say that I really don’t like teething babies!
Three things you love about being a mum?
Firstly, I just love being around baby Kaya and seeing her grow up everyday.
Secondly, I love that I love her so much.
Last but not least, I love that she is such a happy baby. That’s all that I can ask for as a mum.

After having gone through so much with your first pregnancy, how does that shape your view of motherhood and thoughts of trying for another child/children?
I think we are at one and done! We love babies, but my husband and I are both an only child. We always just wanted one.
Describe a typical day in the life of Ase Wang.
A mother.
A working mother.
A wife.
All in one day! Juggling, wheeling and dealing. Hectic and fully on the go!
One thing I love to do with my little girl is…
Put her to bed and get lots of bed time kisses from her. Kaya gives good bed times cuddles and kisses for Mama.
I wish that I had more time for…
Myself! Just like every mum!
What advice or tips do you have for mums who are intending to freeze their eggs or embark on IVF?
Eye on the prize! We all have a story to tell of how we got there. Don’t over think it or you’ll be wasting time. Just do it and own your story!
Plans for the future? Work and personal?
Kaya has her own collection coming out this year. It’s called Kaya Harper X Snow Owl . The collection features clothing, burp cloths, swaddles, face cloths, and bed sheets all made from the most natural materials. All of this was a culmination from the research that I’ve done and things that I found were lacking in the market.
Personal mantra?
You don’t need to be book smart, you need to be street smart.