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Mums Share: What I Wish I Knew About Pregnancy Before I Got Pregnant

By Samantha Jong
February 8, 2017

Pregnancy is full of new experiences, including some that can catch you totally off guard and some that you come to expect from the anecdotes of others.

Here’s what some mums have to say about what they wished they knew about the glorious process of growing a new life in your belly before they got pregnant.

Ella's pretty dress by @verysandy 🙂

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That I should take time to enjoy everything about the pregnancy because being pregnant is the easy part. I now know that taking care of little ones and disciplining them is the more challenging part — it’s practically an art form.

Laura Tan, mum of two-year-old Ella

Can't wait to get hold of the photos of our baby girl … #newborn #babystagram #sophielittleworld

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Someone should have told me that pigmentation can also occur on your armpits! I had a shock when I discovered how dark my underarms were halfway through my pregnancy. My solution was to slap on a whole lot of whitening deodorant and stay away from sleeveless clothing. Thankfully, the skin darkening condition was temporary and my skin lightened two to three months after delivery. That said I could have done without the surprise.

Joanne Sim, mum of two-year-old Sophie

I wish I knew that there were other types of workout classes for expecting mothers other than prenatal yoga. During my pregnancy, I realised that my body went through a tremendous amount of change and it was stressed out by the additional weight I had to carry. It’s really important to strengthen your muscles before and throughout the pregnancy to adapt to the changes.

Charlotte Kiew, mum of seven-month-old Arissa


If only I knew how difficult it is to get in a comfortable position when your tummy gets big. Had I known, I would have invested in one of those huge and super comfy pregnancy pillows.

Lei Parnes, mum of  nine-year-old Rebecca, seven-year-old Reid and five-year-old Ava

I wish someone told me to stop wishing the days away. Pregnancy is such a beautiful experience and although it didn’t feel like it at that time, it goes by so quickly! Cherish those feel good, relaxing hormones as long as you can! Also, know that everyone’s experience is unique. Never compare yourself with others – it’s unnecessary pressure that you don’t need!

Cara Palairet, mum of one-year-old Edward


Is there anything you wish you had known before you got pregnant and would like to share with other mummies? Share it with us at