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Mum Crush Wednesday: Vivian Hsu

By Samantha Jong
June 28, 2017

If you’re lucky enough, you would’ve gotten a glimpse of Taiwanese actress Vivian Hsu out and about around our little red dot with her adorable son Dalton in tow.

The mum-of-one has been living in Singapore for the past few years, and we must say she seems to have adjusted to life here very well. Always looking glamorous, being a mum has not changed that part of her one bit. It has however made her a lot more relatable as she showcases her adoration for her little mini me publicly.

Her ability to look good both off and on the camera stems from her experience as a model – she started modelling ever since she was 14.

Case in point, her outfits are always on point, whether she is headed for a photoshoot or just spending a day out wiht Dalton. Sneakers seem to be a favourite go to of hers recently and here she pairs them with a fedora, oversized striped shirt and step-hem jeans.

This look we spotted on her is one that we think many a mum will be able to pull off without a hitch – a denim jacket and loose fitting dress, complete with sunnies and sneakers! Convenient and stylish without looking too put together, it’s the perfect look for a day of errands.

今天回來工作崗位! #TODS

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She certainly knows how to work her angles in front of the camera as evidenced by the number of magazine covers that she has graced, such as Marie Claire Hong Kong, Marie Claire Taiwan and Vogue.

曾經有天在我的FB,在一篇小V寶的文章之下,有這樣一個留言:「最討厭看到妳們這種後母、整天只發自己親生的孩子」當時的我無言⋯ 在今天這樣特別的日子、突然想說:女兒已經不小了、在青春期的孩子有自己的同學也到了會注重自己的形象和隱私階段,而她們的母親也在我們的生活中一起愛她們。因此,每要發有關女兒的照片,可知每一張我都是需要詢問過女兒的同意才會發,這是我該做的基本尊重。所以其實並不適合太頻繁,有時大人的世界不能隨心所欲是因為有些事需考量、拿揑分寸並且替他人著想。 每一位母親都不容易,很多事也不一定是我們看到的表象而已,若不夠了解,請不要任意批判別人的人生,更何況,女人何苦為難女人~ 今天是母親節,祝我的兩位媽媽(媽咪&婆婆)、女兒的親媽、女兒的V媽、Dalton的媽咪我自己及全天下的母親~母親節快樂❤️愛妳們!?

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A post shared by 徐若瑄VivianHsu (@vivianhsu.ironv) on

Given her style and sense of fashion, this glam mum has a enviable wardrobe and it’s no wonder many of the big brands, including Tory Burch and Lulu Guinness have gifted her with pieces from their latest collections.

那花中的紅唇,有一種倔強!好一個鋼鐵女人手拿包!Thank U so much ?#LULU GUINNESS

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收到一個美麗的母親節禮物!駝色很好搭配!Thank You so much #COACH??

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However Vivien is more than just a pretty face. The multi-talented woman has dabbled in acting and singing. She’s also a credited songwriter and has penned songs for Taiwanese singers Jay Chou and Vanness Wu.

She’s a well-known workaholic too. During her 142-day bed rest period, she wrote her latest book, My topsy-turvy life: From a 14-year-old girl to a 40-year-old woman, Steel V’s courageous diary, which chronicles her showbiz career struggles and her difficult pregnancy. The limited edition first release was sold out within hours of its release.

Despite the many things that she dabbles in, Vivian is an extremely hands-on mum with Dalton. She takes great lengths to ensure that her son is always comfortable, going to the extent of lying next to him with a fly swatter just so that he won’t get bitten in his sleep.

She personally prepares many of his meals. You can catch her cooking for him and trying out new recipes frequently.

你是ㄇㄚˇ ㄇㄚˇ遲到的原因、也是馬麻一收工就歸心似箭的原因 #People #積木

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She also makes it a point to bring him outdoors for fresh air and to engage in physical activities.


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Given the amount of time she spends with her mini, it must have been an extremely touching moment for her when Dalton learnt to say ‘I love you Mummy in Mandarin’.


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We can’t get enough of Vivian, be it her showing off her talent as an artiste or giving us glimpses of her as a doting mummy, and can’t wait for her to share more with her adoring fans!


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For our previous mum crush, click here.