With the month-long June holidays around the corner, we’re sure many mummies are wondering how best to keep the minis busy for an entire month. Here are some fun camps and workshops that you can sign your children up for that will help broaden their horizons and learn new skills while you get some much needed me-time.
Summer Camp Asia!
Though a majority of the camps are targeted at children aged six and older, there are options that the younger minis (aged three and above) can sign up for such as the multi-activity camp that consists of art and craft, sports and performing arts activities, the drama academy camp and the mini Mandarin camp (good for picking up second language skills).
Date: 19 June to 2 August 2017, click here for more details.
Time: 9am to 3pm
Venue: Stamford American International School
Cost: S$625 to S$695
Click here for more information.
Camp Fest

Ever wanted to spend a night at the Singapore Zoo, River Safari or Night Safari? Here’s your chance! The Wildlife Reserves Singapore is opening up its parks and allowing both the young and young and heart to sleep with the animals. Feeding the giraffes, taking an exclusive tour of the white tiger’s habitat and experiencing a campfire are just some of the exciting activities you’ll get to do during your stay with the creatures of the wild. This is a great activity for the whole family to enjoy together.
Date: 27 to 28 May 2017
Safari Snooze @ Singapore Zoo – 3.30pm to 11am
RiverBed and Breakfast @ River Safari – 4pm to 11am
Glamping in the Wild @ Night Safari – 5pm to 11am
Venue: Dependent on your camp of choice
Cost: From S$550 for a group of four
Click here for more information.
Dinosaur Discovery
Little ones who are mad about dinosaurs will love this camp for that has been specially designed for junior palaeontologists. Little ones aged four and above will have three dinosaur-filled days where they get to learn about the various dinosaurs who have walked the Earth and the habitats they lived in. They’ll also get to participate in their very own dig and excavation, and get the chance to see real fossils.
Date: 29 to 31 May and 12 to 14 June 2017
Time: 9am to 3.30pm
Venue: Kids DiscoveryWorks
Cost: S$456
Click here for more information.
Kids DiscoveryWorks also has other themed-camps such as Once Upon a Time, Superhero Science and Junior C.S.I.
Junior Explorers Camp
Travel all over the world, without actually leaving Singapore at The Learning Lab’s Junior Explorers Camp. Over three days the little ones will get to explore various countries and their cultures: from the African savannah to learn more about its ecosystem, to Rome where they get to learn about Italian cuisine. Do note that the first day of the camp will be conducted in Mandarin, and the workshop is suitable for little ones aged four and up.
Date: Click here for more information.
Time: Click here for more information.
Venue: The Learning Lab United Square
Cost: S$429 for existing students, S$449 for new students
Click here for more information.
Molly Manners June Holiday Classes
Minis will learn how to mind their Ps and Qs at this special holiday camp with Molly Manners. Designed for little ones aged four and up, values of how to be considerate, confident, and respectful both to themselves and others will be instilled into them over the course of three days.
Date: Click here for more information.
Time: Click here for more information.
Venue: Click here for more information.
Cost: S$168 if registered before 31 May, S$198 if registered after 31 May
Click here for more information.
Discover Me Multi-Activity Camp
Have fun while learning at this holiday camp that has been specially designed for little ones to discover their passions and interests. Over a period of five days, children will get the opportunity to learn photography, yoga and barre, coding, inventions and forensic science, various sports, culinary skills, pottery, painting, entrepreneurship and movie making. With so much fun waiting for them, this is one camp they won’t want to miss!
Date: 12 to 16 June 2017
Time: 9am to 4pm
Venue: Various locations
Cost: S$635
Click here for more information.
Junior Art Boot Camp
Let your minis unleash their artistic potential at the Junior Art Boot Camp, organised by Lionheart Studio and Little House of Dreams. They can choose to learn about mask designs and pointillism or pick up canvas painting tips before heading home with a very special art piece at the end of the camp. For children aged five and up.
Date: 13,14, 21 and 22 June 2017
Time: 11am to 4pm
Venue: Little House of Dreams
Cost: From S$100
Click here for more information.
Trehaus Kids Summer Camp
Focusing on art and movement, Trehaus’ Summer Holiday Camps aim to help little ones aged two and a half to seven to develop their creativity through art, helping them improve their strength, endurance, flexibility and self-control. Held over four weeks, participants will learn about art and movement during the first two weeks and how to cultivate a sense of calm, balance and greater self-control before moving on to clay and kung fu for the next two weeks, where their gross and fine motor skills, sense of balance and movement and cognitive abilities will be developed through clay-modelling and kungfu exercises.