Not so long ago, in a galaxy not too far away, a disturbance of the force was sensed on a little planet called Earth. For one day of the year, green pointy ears, brown gunny robes and heads with buns like two cinnamon rolls spring up sporadically across the globe, accompanied by camera-totting adults snap, snap, snapping away. Comic-con alums go hog-crazy, sci-fi geeks hyperventilate and television networks across the globe air reruns of the Star Wars movies.
Yes, May the Fourth — a pun on the phrase “May the force be with you” — is upon us once more.
And on this day, die-hard Star Wars fans get into the mood of things and unleash an onslaught of Star Wars activities across the globe that span the witty and corny, to the tired and not-so-funny. Memes, articles, home-made videos overrun the world wide web and social media goes into a #maythefourthbewithyou tagging frenzy.
Not to be left out of the party, Mummyfique’s resident Star Wars geeks.. …erm, I mean fans, invade the final frontier online and bring you the cutest little Yodas, Jedis, Hans Solos, Darth Vader, Princess Leia and mini versions of the much-loved Star Wars franchise.
And who better to head the list than Max Zuckerberg, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s newborn. Ain’t no Darth Vader gonna’ be messing with this one, for sure.
The Force is strong with this Chosen One.
The Jedi Dreamer in Wookie wonderland?
Baby Yoda’s bucket crib
Another baby Yoda… … or a Lord of The Rings extra?
I’d cry too if Darth Vader was reading to me
This wasn’t the slumber party I had in mind
I dub thee Sir Yoda Pug-alot
And closer to home… … double the Force, twice the cuteness