Mothers may not feature very heavily in the Star Wars films but there are still precious nuggets of wisdom one can glean from the series, particularly from Master Yoda. So on this Star Wars Day, here’s five lessons every mum can learn from the words of the sage old Jedi that everyone loves. May the 4th be with you my fellow mamas!
- “Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.”It is often said that as long as you try your best, that’s all that matters but there are times when you’ve just got to bite the bullet and JUST DO IT. Laundry not done, just do it. Errands not run, just do it. Too afraid of quitting your job to spend more time with the kids, just do it. When try becomes a euphemism for procrastination, then trying is no longer sufficient. If I hadn’t just taken the plunge and quit my previous job to become a mumpreneur, Mummyfique would not have become a reality.
- “Truly wonderful the mind of a child is.”People often ask me what the most amazing thing about being a parent is and there the answers are countless but one of the things that I’ve always said is that life just seems that much sweeter when you’re a parent because you see it through the eyes of a child. As your child grows, you enjoy the process along with them. It is like being a child all over again and that’s such a wonderful experience.
- “Always pass on what you have learned.”
Being a mother (or indeed a parent) is an educational process — both for the child and yourself. There’s no value in keeping everything you know a secret and being able to pass on life lessons that you’ve learnt is a joy. We’re the best mentors for our children and we should not forget that. - “Judge me by my size do you?”To never judge a book by its cover — now that’s a lesson that we all must learn and one, that we should definitely pass on to the kids. It’s also worthwhile to remember that it doesn’t matter where you come from, who you are, or what you look like, you can still be a success and you can still be a good parent. It’s what’s on the inside that counts.
- “Fear is the path to the dark side… fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.”There are many times in life when fear will hold you back but perhaps it is time to stop being afraid and not let fear retain it’s cruel grip on you. Yoda’s words teach us that fear can give birth to unwanted situations that breed anger, hate and suffering. As parents, we fear many things. We are afraid that our children will fall down, we are afraid that they don’t find their way but sometimes, we just need to be bold and let them find their own way while shining a light on the path by being a mentor to them.