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#Fiquestagram 31: Instagram Moments From Mums We Love

By Samantha Jong
April 10, 2017

On #fiquestagram this week there are a few painted faces, a little tourist, and many memorable mummy moments. Find out what the Instagram mums we love were up to the past week.

Erly Shia Tan

Eigels said "ma, i want to go Merlion, i have never been there" ? it is all in his #baby #memory

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Erly brought her two sons to the Merlion and they took a fun photo that looks to be a keeper.

Justina Tey

Do, me fa. All in stripes today for church. #makingmummoments

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Justina’s three little ones donned matching outfits for church. We think it’s a surefire way to find your kids in a crowd, provided they stick together.

Jaime Lee

Jaime’s little one Jonah is already 18-weeks-old — soon she won’t be able to hold him over her head!

Joanne Shuck

It’s easy to get caught up with the many things in life that are calling for our attention. We’re glad that Joanne got to spend time with her girls for the entire day, and from the bright smiles on the girls’ painted faces, it looks like they enjoyed spending time with mummy too.

Aarika Lee

The prettiest bunny in my world. ?? "Hi, Daddy! It's me, Zola! But I'm disguised as a bunny." @thelioncityboy

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Zola Mae is getting ready for the upcoming Easter celebrations by getting a bunny face painting. Isn’t she adorable?

For last week’s #Fiquestagram, click here. We love seeing all the special moments you have with your little one, so continue to tag us @mummyfique and #fiquestagram.