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#Fiquestagram 23: Instagram Moments from Mums We Love

By Samantha Jong
January 23, 2017

As we countdown to the year of the Rooster, we see our community of mummies enjoying lots of family time and of course, many are busy getting ready for the upcoming Chinese New Year.

Vanessa Tan — @vanniekate

Vanessa’s cutie Scott gets his introduction to man’s best friend very early on in life.

Shireen Ho — @chrisherlady

Last weekend with my baby? to the museum. #haucksg

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Shireen inculcates an early love for culture and the arts in Hannah by taking her on a visit to the National Gallery.

Natasha Buonaparte — @so.nattyb

Natasha and her family get a nice surprise on their eighteenth (!!) trip to Universal Studios Singapore with a group cameo from the Sesame Street characters.

Michelle Hon — @thechillmom

My beautiful mother-in-law with her grandchildren ?

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Some huge multigenerational smiles captured by Michelle of her mother-in-law with her grandchildren.

Angeline Sim — @lifestinymiracles

Angie prepares for Chinese New Year by spending an afternoon with her little ones doing DIY crafts. Are you ready for Chinese New Year?


For last week’s #Fiquestagram, click here.