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Dad Crush Monday: Ang Junyang

By Samantha Jong
May 29, 2017

Many of us know Ang Junyang as the runner-up in 2005’s Project Superstar, where he charmed the audience with his boyish good looks and melodic voice. Although he did not win the competition, he still walked away a winner — he met his wife Candyce during the competition and they now have an adorable baby girl, Azalea. Find out more about our dad crush of the week here!

Project Superstar first propelled Junyang into the limelight, and he later released a solo album in 2006. Through the years, he has continued pursing his passion for music, even venturing as far as Taiwan to work as a songwriter and music producer. “Taiwan is where Mandarin music is at, and many musicians dream of working in the Taiwan music industry,” he once said.

Though supportive of his decision, Candyce didn’t join him in Taiwan, and the two lovebirds were in a long-distance relationship for most of their dating life and the first few years of their marriage.

The couple have been very open about how their relationship with the public even when they were still dating. Junyang was actually already rather taken by Candyce during the competition and tried doing little things such as offering her throat candy and gazing at her during his performance making her the “thing” he concentrated on during his performances in a bid to win her over. Sparks didn’t fly though but he persevered with his efforts. He was finally successful when  he went above and beyond his duties as a friend (they weren’t together yet) to take care of her and make sure she was fine when she broke her arm during a rehearsal for a charity show in 2006 . Candyce sure is lucky to have found someone like him!

The pair then went through various rough patches in their relationship – including being physically apart for long periods of time. However, the couple is now reunited as Junyang moved back to Singapore permanently after their daughter was born. Despite his career being very important to him, he is clearly a family man who puts his family above everything. We’re glad that the family is all together now!

The first-time dad and hardcore Manchester United fan is set on making his daughter follow his footsteps, at least in terms of football club allegiances.

My sweetheart Azalea is a Man U fan ?? 我的小公主是個曼聯球迷 ? @azalea.ang #azaleaang

A post shared by JY Ang 洪俊揚 (@angjunyang) on

He clearly does on his little girl. Just see the number of times she turns up on this Instagram account.

He doesn’t just document her important milestones, such as the first time that she said ‘Papa’, he also writes about the dreams he has for her.

Now that he’s back in our little red dot for good, we can’t wait to see what Junyang will do next!


For last week’s dad crush, click here