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Children Book Picks: July 2017

By Seow Kai Lun
July 21, 2017

Looking for books for kids to add to your collection?

Nicole Martins of Flying Books, a children’s book subscription service that is curated for children ages five and under, picks out some favourites for the month of July.

Here are her recommendations and Mummyfique’s reviews of them:

1. Funny Bunnies Up and Down
By David Melling
Suitable for 0-3 years old

The alliteration of the name of the main character ‘funny bunny’ will be enough to get your little one in stitches like it did with our little reader, especially since it is repeated several times throughout the book. The story is a fun way to introduce the concept of opposites to young children as the sentence structure is simple and the illustrations help to reinforce what the words mean, and after a few rounds of reading, your little one should be able to read the book fine, all on his or her own.

2. If Animals Kissed Good Night
By Ann Whitford Paul
Pictures by David Walker
Suitable for 0-3 years old

This is the perfect board book to incorporate to your nightly sleep routine with your children as it imagines what it would be like if animals kissed one another good night. Each parent and child animal pair is beautifully illustrated and the unique characteristics of the animals are highlighted in the text. For example, the mother elephant’s trunk would kiss and then sway and shower her calf with a wet, washing spray. We like the humour that is weaved into the story, where the sloth is spotted taking a really long time to do their good night kiss. Read it with your minis and end the session by giving them your very own good night kiss.

3. The Colour Monster
By Anna Llenas
Suitable for 3-5 years old

As adults, we know that colours can change influence one’s mood, and this story helps little ones to understand the different feelings that colours can convey. Using a paper monster illustration that our mini reader wanted to replicate immediately after, the book brings across the different feelings that are associated with a specific colour in a simple and easy to understand manner. Our little reader picked it up easily and remembered the associations rather instantly.

4. I’ll Wait, Mr Panda
By Steve Antony
Suitable for 3-5 years old

Patience is something that kids have very little of, hence this is a great book to teach them that there are great rewards to be reaped if they learn to wait, like the penguin in the book. With many other animals appearing to ask Mr Panda what he’s doing and moving off when they are told to wait, it allows parents to take on the voices of various animals, making this a potentially lively read with children. You can also make reference to the penguin the next time your child makes a fuss about having to wait. We love books like this one that helps to build good character in little ones.

Looking for a monthly service that will help you to curate books that are suitable for your little readers? Flying Books delivers great, carefully curated children’s books to your doorstep every month. They handpick the right books for your child’s age group and let your child experience the joy of receiving books as gifts, while making it convenient for parents as the package comes to their doorstep every month. One-time gift sets are also available. Click here for more information. 

Reading with your child for the first time? Click here for tips.

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