Mummyfique Sample July 2021
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5 New Year Resolutions for Mums

By Seow Kai Lun
January 3, 2017

Every time the New Year comes around, we make resolutions for goals that we hope to achieve as we start a fresh year. As we take on 2017, here are five resolutions that we believe will benefit all mums.

Have a daily routine for the family

Children function best when there is a fixed routine to stick to – that’s why there are timetables in school so they know what to expect. It may take a bit of time and effort at first, but once they are familiar with it, getting them out of the house in the mornings will be a lot easier and putting them to sleep will not result in as many fights. And it doesn’t need to be complicated, just a list of things like make your bed, brush your teeth, wear your uniform, have breakfast, and put on your shoes will do.

Mummyfique Sample July 2021
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Practise praise with your little ones

As parents we are sometimes quick to point out the wrong things that our kids do and correct them. However they need encouragement when they are doing good things. Don’t take it for granted that the knowledge they are doing the right thing is enough but make it a point to praise them so that they will want to do it again.

Fit in exercise whenever you can

Being a mum is no easy task. Other than caring for the kids, there’s also your husband, your parents and the daily chores to do. Yet, you and your health are no less important so take the time to exercise. It doesn’t need to be complicated and involve gym equipment, though there’s no harm if you can afford the time. Make small efforts, like getting off two floors ahead in the lift and using the stairs to get to your home or making lifting movements when you carry your groceries in from the car. Every little bit contributes and counts. Another good option are games with your little ones that require lots of movement. You get to bond with them and sweat it out at the same time.

Cook more

Not everyone gravitates to the kitchen naturally, but cooking at home has its benefits. Other than cost savings in the long-term, you get to control what goes into the food that the family eats and can ensure that everyone get fresh produce with natural seasonings that are good for health. There are plenty of one-pot wonders and easy to follow recipes, and this is definitely something that you can get better at with more practice.

Make couple time a priority

Though caring for your child is important, the relationship you have with your husband carries no less weight and is the foundation on which you establish your family. One tip we have is to make your child sleep early, which he or she will benefit from, and then spend the rest of the night with one another, building a stronger relationship and mutual understanding of one another.