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Mummyfique Sample July 2021

Pregnancy by the Month: Month 5

By Seow Kai Lun
February 20, 2017

Week 18

Baby updates

Your baby is the size of a bell pepper.

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Mummyfique Sample July 2021

Your baby is moving about and flexing her muscles quite regularly, with her blood vessels quite obvious through her skin. Her ears are in their fixed place now and she is currently developing her genitals.

You’ll also see her neck and her arms will be more proportioned in length with her body. Her liver will start producing bile, while the spleen helps to produce red blood cells.

Mummy updates

Your appetite levels will certainly be up, but try to stick to eating nutritious foods that benefit you and your baby. Your blood pressure will also be lower than usual so don’t do any sudden movements that might leave you dizzy.

While lying down, do it on your side rather than on your back to prevent decreased blood return to your heart.

Week 19

Baby updates

Your baby is the size of a large mango.

Your baby’s five senses are developing so feel free to communicate even more with your growing bub. His hair is also starting to grow on her scalp, while his arms are now proportionate to the rest of his body.

Mummy updates

With your bump growing every day, you may feel a greater ache in your lower abdomen. This is likely to be a round ligament pain and the aches are no cause for alarm as they are supporting your increase in weight.

You may also have darkened patches of skin across your body. Don’t worry, your skin will go back to normal after you deliver.

Week 20

Baby updates

Your baby is the length of an banana.

She’s swallowing more and producing a sticky black substance called meconium that she’ll pass out later.

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Make sure you get enough iron as you body will need it to pump sufficient blood required for you and your baby. Other than supplements, take iron rich food, including red meats, shellfish, spinach, prune juice and raisins.

Week 21

Baby updates

Your baby is the length of a carrot.

His movements are getting stronger and stronger, turning into full-fledged kicks and nudges. His eyebrows and eyelids have also formed fully.

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Your oil production would have increased and this may lead to the development of acne, so be diligent about washing your face.

Varicose and spider veins may start to emerge. For the former, wear support hosiery and prop up your legs whenever possible. For the latter, they will usually naturally disappear after your give birth.

Week 22

Baby updates

Your baby is the size of an eggplant.

She now looks like a miniature newborn with more distinct lips, eyelids and eyebrows. Her body is covered in fine hair and he has deep wrinkles on his skin. Don’t worry, these will smoothen out over time has he gains weight. His pancreas, which will be producing important hormones, is also developing.

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Your belly is growing, which is a good thing, and you may start to notice stretch marks on your abdomen that can be pink or brown, that occurs as the body adapts to the new size your body is. These marks may occur on your thighs, hips and breasts too.

The above information is courtesy of NUH Women’s Centre. For more information on your growing baby, click here . Do note that every baby develops differently and this is a general guide to your baby’s growth. If you have any concerns, please speak more to your doctor.