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Top 10 Crazy Hair Day Ideas

By Samantha Jong
April 29, 2016

If you have yet to hear of Crazy Hair Day, here’s the lowdown. For those in the States, one day in the year, children go to school with out-of-this-world hairstyles. It provides a creative outlet for both kids and adults, and kids compete to see who has the most creative hairstyle.

What we’ve been seeing a lot of this year is hair in empty soda bottles, and it all started when @_0k4y posted this photo on Twitter a few days ago, with the caption “Today was crazy hair day at my lil cousins school and this is what her mom did to her she’s so extra I love it”:

crazy hair day twitter

Credit: Twitter/@_0k4y

Which got us thinking, what else do people think to do when Crazy Hair Day rolls around? Here’s 10 of the weirdest and whimsically wonderful hairstyles out there:


Credit: Instagram/@bemseekay


Credit: Pinterest – Crazy Hair Screws


Credit: Instagram/@jehat


Credit: Instagram/@shindsey7


Credit: Instagram/@hair_by_lori


Credit: Instagram/@adryrttz


Credit: Instagram/@shindsey7



Credit: Instagram/@hairgirlcc


Credit: Instagram/@mkinserdouglas


Ending the post off with the coolest, most daring hairstyle in our opinion: ninashairandbeautyshop

Credit: Instagram/@ninashairandbeautyshop